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5th Blog: How do I know I’m pregnant?

How do I know that I’m pregnant? Reproductive Cycle The reproductive period of a woman begins at menarche and ends at menopause, usually extending from 13-45 years on average, with pregnancy rare to occur under the age of 12 years and after the age of 50 years....

4th Blog: Difficulty Getting Pregnant

I’m having difficulty getting pregnant – what do I do? First, don’t panic and don’t lose hope. 80% of couples will get pregnant within one year of having regular intercourse, with another 10% achieving pregnancy within two years. Generally, if you have not...

3rd Blog: Preparing for Pregnancy

How can I prepare for pregnancy? A planned pregnancy is always advisable. This enables you to be as fit as possible and as healthy as possible embarking on your pregnancy. Ideally you should take folic acid 400mcg per day for 12 weeks before and for the first 12 weeks...

2nd Blog: Weight Gain in Pregnancy

What happens to my weight during pregnancy? Weight gain in pregnancy is variable, but in general there is an increase in weight of approximately 12 kg. As many women experience nausea and/or vomiting in early pregnancy (generally from 5-13 weeks of pregnancy), it is...

1st Blog: Normal skin changes in pregnancy

What happens to my skin in pregnancy? Skin changes are due to a number of hormones secreted in pregnancy. On the abdomen (tummy) you can develop a brownish pigmented line (Linea Nigra) in the middle of the tummy stretching from the belly button to the pubic bone. This...